by JakeJ
Projects that use “Walnut, Claro”
227 total projects
by JakeJ
by JakeJ
by 62dmb62
by 62dmb62
by Clawson386
by Huey
by simcos
by Stuff
by Stuff
by Jwest
by Steve’s
by MikeL
by YnpTim
by Bob's Board
Cutting Boards, Jewlery Box, Chess Board, Military Display Case, Vanity Cabinet,(8)
Justin’s 18th Birthday wall art(1)
by Laura
Three dimentional chessboard(1)
by James73 S
Character Walnut Desk with Drawer(6)
by Dygo
by RustyNail
by JPHuang
by eajhnsn1
by S.J. Riddle
Military PCS gift Thor Lightning Hammer(8)
by Chris Lewis
by redsolocup
by Dan Campbell
by Dan Campbell
by whatsupdoc2
by whatsupdoc2
Oriental style bed platform in Walnut.(1)
by John Weecks
by John Weecks
Contemporary Triangular kitchen(3)
by John Weecks
Contemporary Walnut and stainless-steel platform bed(1)
by John Weecks
by whatsupdoc2
by whatsupdoc2
by Art
by JHanna
by DevildogCpl
by M Zinn
by DevildogCpl
Walnut End Grain Cutting Board(1)
by T
by Eric
by PatD
Large 26″ charcuterie board(1)
by PatD
Legend of Zelda Hylian Shield(1)
by whatsupdoc2
by Trenton
Urban Walnut Dining Side Table(7)
by Customer
by LarryinSWPA
by GordonC
by ADK
by ADK
Serving Tray with matched dip bowls(2)
by Ken T.
by Ken T.
by Tuko
by Marshall
Southwest-Inspired Carved Box(5)
by Customer
Live Edge Walnut Epoxy River End Table(3)
by Customer
by Dhnscot
by Tom Pierce
by Grumpy ECMO
by Rick Z.
by Jbirdman
by Customer
by Customer
by Adam
by Alan
by Alan
by Alan
by Alan
by Alan
by Alan
Solid Walnut Mid-century Modern Console Table(5)
by Customer
by Paul Knippel
by Larry
by Customer
by Larry
by Larry
by Larry
by James S
by Mark Everson
by AJustice92
by Johfel
by Ingosan
End Grain Cutting board with knife storage(3)
by R Turner
by DoctorJ
Decorative Cutting Board for Fly Fishing Fanatics(3)
by Customer
by ykbruner
Cutting board with handles — Maple + Walnut(2)
by ykbruner
Woodworkers Source Kit Build(1)
by ATG Dave
by Rusty
by Ken T.
by Customer
by Larry
by Plant stand
by Plant stand
by Kvdm
by Customer
Jewelry Box with Accent Lid(5)
by Customer
by ToeKneeSee
by ToeKneeSee
by Customer
by Dave
by Customer
Jewelry Chest with Laser Engraving(5)
by Customer
Modern Sitting Stool Custom Made(3)
by Customer
Dog bowls / coasters / cake stands(5)
by Plant stand
Walnut plant stand / cutting board /deck table(8)
by Plant stand
by DJ
by DJ
by HalS
by ukype
by DJ
by coreys632
Cherry, Maple, Walnut Cutting Board(1)
by Customer
by Customer
by KeithS
by KeithS
by KeithS
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
Traveling Tic-Tac-Toe Game Set(3)
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
Improbable Table with Chess Board(6)
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
Experimenting with Patterns(1)
by Customer
by Customer
by Wyowoodsmith
by Customer
by Customer
Walnut and maple cutting board(1)
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
Checker board cutting board(1)
by Customer
by R Turner
Walnut and Purple Heart Cutting Board(1)
by Customer
by Customer
Native American Style Flutes(1)
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
second end grain board w/instructions(1)
by R Turner
purpleheart candle centerpiece(1)
by R Turner
by Customer
Cutting Board and Serving Tray(1)
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
5th Anniversary Cutting Board(1)
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
By Project Types (14)
- Art
- Boxes
- Cabinets
- Cars & Automotive
- Clocks
- Furniture
- Food & Drink
- Home Improvement
- Musical Instruments
- Outdoor
- Signs, Plaques & Frames
- Toys & Games
- Turnings
- Other
By Techniques (35)
- Bandsawing
- Bending
- Bevels
- Box Joints
- Bridle Joints
- Burning
- Carving
- Dado or Groove Joints
- Dovetails
- Epoxy Resin Pour
- Hand Tools Only
- Inlay
- Intarsia
- Lamination
- Lap Joints
- Laser
- Marquetry
- Miter Joints
- Mortise & Tenons
- Mosaic
- Pyrography
- Rabbet Joints
- Resawing
- Routing
- Scroll Sawing
- Sculpting
- Splines
- Tapers
- Texturing
- Tongue & Groove Joints
- Turning
- Veneering
- Wedges
- Pocket Screws
By Woods (110)
- Afromosia
- Alder
- Anigre
- Ash
- Baltic Birch Plywood
- Bamboo
- Basswood
- Birch
- Beech
- Bloodwood
- Bocote
- Bubinga
- Butternut
- Canarywood
- Aromatic Cedar
- Spanish Cedar
- Western Red Cedar
- Chakte Kok
- Chakte Viga
- Chechem
- Cherry
- Chestnut
- Cocobolo
- Curupay
- Cypress
- Ebony
- Ebony, Macassar
- Eucalyptus
- Red Grandis
- Goncalo Alves
- Granadillo
- Hickory
- Holly
- Imbuia
- Ipe
- Iroko
- Ironwood
- Jatoba
- Katalox
- Koa
- Lacewood
- Leopardwood
- Limba, Black
- Limba, White
- Live Edge Slab
- Lovoa
- Macacauba
- Machiche
- Madrone
- Mahogany, African
- Mahogany, Genuine
- Mahogany, Santos
- Makore
- Mango
- Maple, Ambrosia
- Maple, Birds Eye
- Maple Burl
- Maple, Curly
- Maple, Hard Country
- Maple, Hard White
- Maple, Quilted
- Maple, Roasted
- Maple, Soft
- Maple, Spalted
- Mappa Burl
- Marblewood
- Melamine
- Mesquite
- Morado
- Movingui
- Mulberry
- Myrtle
- Oak, Red
- Oak, Roasted
- Oak, White
- Oak, White (Quarter Sawn)
- Olivewood
- Osage Orange
- Padauk
- Palm, Black
- Parota
- Pine
- Pistachio
- Poculi
- Poplar
- Purple Heart
- Red Heart
- Redwood
- Rosewood
- Bolivian Rosewood
- Rosewood, Caribbean
- Rosewood, Patagonian
- Sapele
- Shedua
- Sirari
- Sycamore
- Teak
- Unusual Woods
- Walnut
- Walnut Burl
- Claro Walnut
- Figured Walnut
- Peruvian Walnut
- Roasted Walnut
- Tropical Walnut
- Wenge
- Willow
- Yellow Heart
- Zebrawood
- Roasted Poplar