Custom Chest for 2019
Chest of Drawers, Black Walnut, Bloodwood Canarywood- Drawer pulls lamanated Canarywood Blackwalnut top bottom milled out 3/4 deep ,3/4 wide for grip ,Face Roman Ogee edgeing , Center made from Bloodwood w/ 3/16 flutes 1/4 proud of face, slides for drawers made from Hard Maple exstending 4 past rear of drawer 3/4 x 1/2 x 26 long, carcass sides from 3/8 Baltic Birch. When cutting Bloodwood I made sure it had sit in my shop for 9 months to relieve inturnal stresses, cut 1/8 large planed 1/16 all sides let it sit 2 days after milling - Bloodwood has lots of inturnal stresses. Finshed w/ hand rubbed oil, seal coat shallac, top coat w/ Helmsmans Oil Based Polyurthane, sanded parts w/ 120 grit before assembly,180 aafter 1st seal coat, 220 after2nd seal coat -- Orginally posted by wyowoodsmith
Finish: hand rubbed oil, seal coat shallac, Helmsmans Oil Based Polyurthane
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