by smallpatch
Projects that use “Scroll Sawing”
72 total projects
by smallpatch
by smallpatch
something for the fire place so I won’t have burn anything(3)
by smallpatch
flowers to go with my type of carving(2)
by smallpatch
This was made back when I could work real hard on my project(1)
by smallpatch
by smallpatch
by smallpatch
fish aquarium care made easy(1)
by smallpatch
carved jewelry box with lift out tray(3)
by smallpatch
by smallpatch
Shells by the sea side or somewhere(2)
by smallpatch
Dragoningness creature I ever made(1)
by smallpatch
From a picture on another wood working site(2)
by smallpatch
Scroll sawed, power carved mirror(5)
by smallpatch
Wife is the stained glass builder — - I just make frames for her beautiful work(3)
by smallpatch
Almost twins on these clocks(2)
by smallpatch
by smallpatch
by smallpatch
by smallpatch
by smallpatch
by smallpatch
by smallpatch
Scroll Saw jewelry boxes my way of building them and not band saw boxes(7)
by smallpatch
by smallpatch
Knotty Alder Entrance Cabinet(1)
by PatD
by Richard Clay
by whatsupdoc2
Legend of Zelda Hylian Shield(1)
by whatsupdoc2
SUPER Sized Purple Heart Vases with some on the side.(5)
by Ardelle
by Paul Knippel
by Chuck B
by Ingosan
Formal Extension Dining Table(4)
by BobvO
by CJ
by Marshall
by DJ
by DJ
by DJ
by DJ
by DJ
by DJ
by DJ
by DJ
by Carson
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
Whimsical Sonoran Desert Nativity Scene(1)
by Customer
by Customer
By Project Types (14)
- Art
- Boxes
- Cabinets
- Cars & Automotive
- Clocks
- Furniture
- Food & Drink
- Home Improvement
- Musical Instruments
- Outdoor
- Signs, Plaques & Frames
- Toys & Games
- Turnings
- Other
By Techniques (35)
- Bandsawing
- Bending
- Bevels
- Box Joints
- Bridle Joints
- Burning
- Carving
- Dado or Groove Joints
- Dovetails
- Epoxy Resin Pour
- Hand Tools Only
- Inlay
- Intarsia
- Lamination
- Lap Joints
- Laser
- Marquetry
- Miter Joints
- Mortise & Tenons
- Mosaic
- Pyrography
- Rabbet Joints
- Resawing
- Routing
- Scroll Sawing
- Sculpting
- Splines
- Tapers
- Texturing
- Tongue & Groove Joints
- Turning
- Veneering
- Wedges
- Pocket Screws
By Woods (110)
- Afromosia
- Alder
- Anigre
- Ash
- Baltic Birch Plywood
- Bamboo
- Basswood
- Birch
- Beech
- Bloodwood
- Bocote
- Bubinga
- Butternut
- Canarywood
- Aromatic Cedar
- Spanish Cedar
- Western Red Cedar
- Chakte Kok
- Chakte Viga
- Chechem
- Cherry
- Chestnut
- Cocobolo
- Curupay
- Cypress
- Ebony
- Ebony, Macassar
- Eucalyptus
- Red Grandis
- Goncalo Alves
- Granadillo
- Hickory
- Holly
- Imbuia
- Ipe
- Iroko
- Ironwood
- Jatoba
- Katalox
- Koa
- Lacewood
- Leopardwood
- Limba, Black
- Limba, White
- Live Edge Slab
- Lovoa
- Macacauba
- Machiche
- Madrone
- Mahogany, African
- Mahogany, Genuine
- Mahogany, Santos
- Makore
- Mango
- Maple, Ambrosia
- Maple, Birds Eye
- Maple Burl
- Maple, Curly
- Maple, Hard Country
- Maple, Hard White
- Maple, Quilted
- Maple, Roasted
- Maple, Soft
- Maple, Spalted
- Mappa Burl
- Marblewood
- Melamine
- Mesquite
- Morado
- Movingui
- Mulberry
- Myrtle
- Oak, Red
- Oak, Roasted
- Oak, White
- Oak, White (Quarter Sawn)
- Olivewood
- Osage Orange
- Padauk
- Palm, Black
- Parota
- Pine
- Pistachio
- Poculi
- Poplar
- Purple Heart
- Red Heart
- Redwood
- Rosewood
- Bolivian Rosewood
- Rosewood, Caribbean
- Rosewood, Patagonian
- Sapele
- Shedua
- Sirari
- Sycamore
- Teak
- Unusual Woods
- Walnut
- Walnut Burl
- Claro Walnut
- Figured Walnut
- Peruvian Walnut
- Roasted Walnut
- Tropical Walnut
- Wenge
- Willow
- Yellow Heart
- Zebrawood
- Roasted Poplar