by 62dmb62
Projects that use “Cherry, American”
152 total projects
by 62dmb62
by 62dmb62
by 62dmb62
by Dani
by TG
by dblutz
by Clawson386
by Pete Michaud
by Huey
by Huey
by simcos
by simcos
by simcos
Liquor cabinet and Buffet table set(3)
by simcos
by simcos
by Stuff
by Stuff
by Steve’s
by Steve’s
by C.Hayes
Boxes,trash pull out ‚cabinet he does much more(8)
by Charlotte
by Mark Everson
by MikeL
Diamond end grain cutting board(2)
by Spo
by YnpTim
by JC
by calabrese55
by Paul Smith
by ADK
by Jody Sawyer
by Brad
by Don O
by Claudia
by HalS
by Edelio Malo
by Edelio Malo
by RustyNail
by S.J. Riddle
by KeithS
Military PCS gift Thor Lightning Hammer(8)
by Chris Lewis
by amideman
Office Desk and Media Storage Cabinet(1)
by whatsupdoc2
by whatsupdoc2
by whatsupdoc2
by whatsupdoc2
by whatsupdoc2
by whatsupdoc2
by Capt Ron
by Art
by Art
by Larry Desler
by K. Moul
by GordonC
by Brad
Live edge cherry growth chart(1)
by JVScadden
Large 26″ charcuterie board(1)
by PatD
Legend of Zelda Hylian Shield(1)
by whatsupdoc2
by Larry Desler
by Sean Mahurin
by Customer
Midcentury Hand Cut Nightstand(6)
by Jeff Simpson
by Tom Pierce
by Chuck D
by RA Strings
by Adam
by Alan
by Alan
by Pad Rat
Custom Breakfast Tray with Sonoran Desert Theme(3)
by Customer
by Larry
by Larry
by James S
by Schoenhals
by Bkatz
by Bkatz
by sonelvis
by M Zinn
by Ingosan
by Tony B
Knife and charcuterie boards(4)
by dnetz
by ATG Dave
by Lori
by Plant stand
by Kvdm
by Jared E
by SteveD
by JimQ
by Jared E
by Brad R
by HalS
by ukype
by Larry W Dyer
by Rod Castle
Ombré Herringbone Cutting Board(2)
by Tony B
Cherry, Maple, Walnut Cutting Board(1)
by Customer
by Customer
by KeithS
by KeithS
by Customer
by Customer
by KeithS
Shape Sorting Toy Cube for Babies(3)
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
End Table for antique suitcase(4)
by R Turner
First cutting board attempt(1)
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
by Customer
Family Room Entertaniment Cabinet Quatersawn Cherry(6)
by whatsupdoc2
by Customer
by Customer
Checker board cutting board(1)
by Customer
by Customer
Native American Style Flutes(1)
by Customer
by Customer
second end grain board w/instructions(1)
by R Turner
by Customer
Cutting Board and Serving Tray(1)
by Customer
Solid Cherry Mantel with Side Highlights(1)
by Customer
5th Anniversary Cutting Board(1)
by Customer
by Customer
Country style Medicine cabinet(1)
by Customer
By Project Types (14)
- Art
- Boxes
- Cabinets
- Cars & Automotive
- Clocks
- Furniture
- Food & Drink
- Home Improvement
- Musical Instruments
- Outdoor
- Signs, Plaques & Frames
- Toys & Games
- Turnings
- Other
By Techniques (35)
- Bandsawing
- Bending
- Bevels
- Box Joints
- Bridle Joints
- Burning
- Carving
- Dado or Groove Joints
- Dovetails
- Epoxy Resin Pour
- Hand Tools Only
- Inlay
- Intarsia
- Lamination
- Lap Joints
- Laser
- Marquetry
- Miter Joints
- Mortise & Tenons
- Mosaic
- Pyrography
- Rabbet Joints
- Resawing
- Routing
- Scroll Sawing
- Sculpting
- Splines
- Tapers
- Texturing
- Tongue & Groove Joints
- Turning
- Veneering
- Wedges
- Pocket Screws
By Woods (110)
- Afromosia
- Alder
- Anigre
- Ash
- Baltic Birch Plywood
- Bamboo
- Basswood
- Birch
- Beech
- Bloodwood
- Bocote
- Bubinga
- Butternut
- Canarywood
- Aromatic Cedar
- Spanish Cedar
- Western Red Cedar
- Chakte Kok
- Chakte Viga
- Chechem
- Cherry
- Chestnut
- Cocobolo
- Curupay
- Cypress
- Ebony
- Ebony, Macassar
- Eucalyptus
- Red Grandis
- Goncalo Alves
- Granadillo
- Hickory
- Holly
- Imbuia
- Ipe
- Iroko
- Ironwood
- Jatoba
- Katalox
- Koa
- Lacewood
- Leopardwood
- Limba, Black
- Limba, White
- Live Edge Slab
- Lovoa
- Macacauba
- Machiche
- Madrone
- Mahogany, African
- Mahogany, Genuine
- Mahogany, Santos
- Makore
- Mango
- Maple, Ambrosia
- Maple, Birds Eye
- Maple Burl
- Maple, Curly
- Maple, Hard Country
- Maple, Hard White
- Maple, Quilted
- Maple, Roasted
- Maple, Soft
- Maple, Spalted
- Mappa Burl
- Marblewood
- Melamine
- Mesquite
- Morado
- Movingui
- Mulberry
- Myrtle
- Oak, Red
- Oak, Roasted
- Oak, White
- Oak, White (Quarter Sawn)
- Olivewood
- Osage Orange
- Padauk
- Palm, Black
- Parota
- Pine
- Pistachio
- Poculi
- Poplar
- Purple Heart
- Red Heart
- Redwood
- Rosewood
- Bolivian Rosewood
- Rosewood, Caribbean
- Rosewood, Patagonian
- Sapele
- Shedua
- Sirari
- Sycamore
- Teak
- Unusual Woods
- Walnut
- Walnut Burl
- Claro Walnut
- Figured Walnut
- Peruvian Walnut
- Roasted Walnut
- Tropical Walnut
- Wenge
- Willow
- Yellow Heart
- Zebrawood
- Roasted Poplar