Granadillo lumber wood, Platymiscium spp lumber for woodworking

Granadillo // Platymiscium spp

Granadillo will enchant your creativity with its bold purplish color and beautiful rosewood-like patterns. It's a hard wood that will take an ultra-fine polish and will steal the show in your decorative projects.
color of Granadillo
Color Range
Dark brown to red to orange to purple
other names for Granadillo
Other Names
Coyote, Cocobolo, Granadillo, Guayacan trebol, Jacaranda do brejo, Koenatepi, Macacauba, Macawood, Trebal, Trebol
uses for Granadillo
Some Typical Uses
Pool cues, musical instruments, inlay, turnings, veneer
the Granadillo tree
What's the Tree Like?
These trees are reported to reach heights of 80 feet with trunk diameters of 29-42". The buttressed trees develop straight and well-formed boles, that are often clear to 60 feet.
Granadillo grows in Latin America
map of where Granadillo grows


lbs /Bd. Ft.
46.65% heavier than red oak (3.58 /bd. ft.)


Janka Rating
100.00% harder than red oak (1290 psi)


Specific Gravity
31.25% more dense than red oak (.64)

General Workability
Average 6/10
Red Oak

Wood Texture
V. Fine 2/10
Red Oak

Ease of Finishing
Easy 1/10
Red Oak