Monkey Pod // Pithecellobium saman
Wavy, interlocked grain with a coarse texture. Light, soft, and easily worked, but the interlocked grain may cause tear-out or wooly surfaces. Takes an excellent finish but requires filling for a smooth surface.
Color Range
Boards often feature a variety of color (not uniform) from medium leathery brown to dark chocolate brown
Other Names
Algarrobo, Algarrobo de pais, Arbre a pluie, Campano, Carabali, Carreto, Cenicero, Cow tamrind, Dormilon, French tamarind, Genizaro, Giant tibet, Gouannegoul, Guango, Huacamayo chico, Lara, Monkey Pod, Raintree, Rain tree
Some Typical Uses
Furniture, cabinets, turning.
What's the Tree Like?
A rather gigantic tree that may reach 100-125 feet tall with a trunk 36-48" in diameter. Boles are short, thick, and often crooked.Monkey Pod grows in Latin America