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Reviews for 1/2" Baltic Birch Pre-Cut Plywood Pack (Choose Your Size)
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Verified Buyer
Frames and bracing for art panels
Only problem with order was dented corner on all pieces. Not a big problem though as I can work around it. To be excellent and perfect some cardboard corner pieces could be used. Overall I am happy with the order.
Verified Buyer
Enthusiast Woodworker
Great wood high price
Working on some Plaques for a friend, I love the quality of the wood and the choice on the sizes.
This will be the last order until wood prices go down. I'll recommend but will warn them about the price.
Familiarity: I've used it in several projects
Verified Buyer
Baltic birch
Received well, cut to specifications and handles / stands up to cutting well
Verified Buyer
Mark S
Product was delivered in a timely fashion and in good shape
My only 'complaint' is really more of an observation. There were a couple of small dings in two of the corners but I think that is to be expected when shipping wood from online orders.
Robert Freeman
El Cajon California
I got the 1/2" thick 60" x 20" 3 pack. Every piece is almost perfect. Barely any noticeable warping, very sturdy for being 1/2". The corners were kinda smashed from shipping, but I don't really see any way around that happening. The package was pretty well reinforced, but when you mix a big courier like UPS and a heavy package, something's getting damaged. Plus the damage is so minimal it's gonna be a part of my cutoff waste anyway.
Verified Buyer
Robert Umphres
Zapata TX
Semi-Professional Woodworker
Great product, flat and perfect thickness. Box bottoms and jigs.
Familiarity: I've used it in a LOT of projects
Verified Buyer
Blue Streak
Perfect for drawers
I ordered these for making drawers for a dresser for my daughter. They came very accurately sized and each piece looks very good. At least one side of each piece looks very good and the other side looks good to very good. A few minor knots but no voids or bad birch layers. There is a very minor cupping in a few of the final size pieces (not evident in the shipped size sheets), but easily overcome in glue-up.
Verified Buyer
SC - South Carolina
Semi-Professional Woodworker
Robert Bennet comments on quality and service concerning sale of Birch plywood
One sheet of 1/2" was damaged enough for me to have to waste 4" on one side. Rendered the piece useless for he intended purpose but I definitely will use sometime for a tool of jig. O the than that one problem, the material was beautiful and all I had hoped it would be.
Familiarity: I've used it in several projects