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Reviews for Character Hickory 4/4 Lumber

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1 / 5
October 5th, 2017
Verified Buyer
Long Island NY
Hobbyist Woodworker
4/4 Hickory - lots of sapwood
Was pretty excited to see the price on the hickory - but when i got it was a little disappointed. I got 4 total boards and all of them are literally half and half sapwood/heartwood. I didn't specify that i wanted only heartwood, but honestly didn't think i would have to. It's sawn well enough and the boards are fairly clear, just have to figure out what I'll do with boards that are 50/50 heart/sap. Definitely be sure to put in a note if you want only heartwood or else you are rolling the dice with less "desirable" boards.
Familiarity: I haven't used it yet