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Reviews for Classic Cutting Board Kit - Maple, Cherry & Walnut

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1 / 5
May 8th, 2018
Verified Buyer
Ammateur WW
Enthusiast Woodworker
Customer disappointed
I ordered the cutting board kit -Walnut, Mahogany & Maple on April 7 and it arrived about a week later incomplete (glue and oil were missing!) and with a piece of wood damaged with a large dent The USPS box did not have any damage and was sealed. I called Woodworkers Source and their personnel requested to send pictures of the damaged board, which I did same day. They assured that the missing components of the kit and the damaged board will be sent in due course. However, after a month of placing the original order, I have not received anything. Very disappointed with their customer service and the lack of seriousness with their commitment.
Familiarity: I haven't used it yet