Small Vase as a Christmas Gift
I turned this as a Christmas gift for my mother. I glued up eleven 6-sided rings of padauk and red oak and stacked them together (after a lot of sanding). Once I mounted it on the lathe, shaping the outside went smoothly, however when I began hollowing out the inside, I had a bad tool catch and the vase broke free of the lathe, fracturing the wood and not breaking at the glue joint. After trying several ways of putting the pieces back together, I ended up turning a sort of cylindrical mortise and tenon and then re-attached the two parts with some sturdy epoxy glue. Once I finished the turning and sanded it all the way to 400 grit, I mixed up some countertop epoxy and poured it into the vase, rotating horizontally to coat the inside and make it waterproof. I finished the exterior with three coats of spray-on lacquer.
Finish: 3 coats of spray-on lacquer
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