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Makeup Desk & Chair for Wife

Top and face frames are 3/4" solid red oak, solid ends and middle are MDF Red Oak veneer . Through dovetail drawers are made with ½" Polar sides and fronts & backs ½" solid red oak. All dado and rabbet joints were glued, only used 8 screws to hold drawer support in place. Interior hidden frames are made of Pine butt joints with dowels. Used Leigh jig to route dovetail pins and tails. Used ½" round over router bit on top and side to remove sharp edges, Routed a slight 45 degree chamfer on all other edges and on drawers. Used TurboCAD to to design and dimensionalize and print plans. Drawers can be inserted to make the desk a lefthand or righthand side drawer location. Chair is solid Red Oak, custom size - doweled and glued, screws hold the ½" thick Red Oak seat to chair frame.

Finish: Lacquer over Golden Oak oil stain

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