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Reviews for 1/8" Baltic Birch Pre-Cut Plywood Pack (Choose Your Size)

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1 / 5
July 30th, 2018
Semi-Professional Woodworker
First Batch Good, Second Not So Much
So far I've ordered two batches for use in a laser cutter. The first batch worked great, easy to cut, and looked good. The second batch had a lot of more patches and even knot voids in the surface. Often one side would be patched while the other had knots with uneven surface coloration. It also cut very inconsistently with the laser often having areas that would not go through. When I used an exacto knife to finish cuts the laser would start it often appeared that there were clumps of glue that the laser would cut through. Over all I've had to both increase the power I'm cutting at and vastly decrease the my cutting speed. I've tested with other pieces of material and everything works fine, so my only conclusion is a bad batch of ply. I will NOT be ordering again.
Familiarity: I've used it in several projects
1 / 5
January 24th, 2017
Semi-Professional Woodworker
I've boughten over 100x of these packs since 2015. There has been a 30%...30% increase on the item and also a 20% on shipping! This is insane guys! Now I'm forced to find a better price some where else. Good product, usually not too warped, but not price isn't justified.
Familiarity: I've used it in several projects